Wanderung 30

A Boat and Bike Trip

April - May 2015


3 Bike Day 10: to Vordingborg
Bike Day 12: 2 Bridges 4


Bike Trip Day 11 (Monday May 25th, 2015): Vordingborg, Denmark

(Monika) At the end of yesterdays ride, Bobs left knee was really hurting, so we decided to put in a day of rest, hoping that would help, having it rain this morning re-inforced our decision. We reserved our room for another day and had breakfast in a large communal hall with a buffet spread that had everything a typical Danish breakfast would include, soft boiled egg, yogurt and all kinds of nuts and stuff to put in it, rolls, cheese, meat, jam, nutella, fruit, etc.


After breakfast we went back to the nice common room across from our room and Bob wrote on the ipad--he is writing "Zen and the Art of e-bike Touring" to help others who want to do this. ("Zen and the Art of e-bike Touring" will be linked to the Epilog of Wanderung 30.)

Finally around 11 the rain seemed to ease up a bit and we decided to go to Aldi to pick up groceries for lunch and dinner and then go on to the botanical gardens, hoping that it would clear. We had our lunch at the botanical garden of the old castle as planned, but instead of clearing it started to drizzle and then to rain in earnest.

So we walked around the deserted town. Yes it was a Monday, but it was the Monday after Whitsunday, which in Denmark (and Germany) is also a holiday. We looked at the church, which was interesting but of course locked, being a Protestant church.

By then we had had enough and rode back to Aldi for some more sandwiches for tomorrow and continued on back to the warmth of our comfy little room through a cold rain and wind. Of course, there are no windshield wipers for eyeglasses, so my vision got worse the longer we rode. I was just glad we did not have that far to go! The good news was that Bob's knee seemed to be getting better.

Copyright 2015 by R. W. Holt and E. M. Holt


3 Bike Day 10: to Vordingborg
Bike Day 12: 2 Bridges 4

Map of Transatlantic Cruise Map of Bike Trip

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