Wanderung 30

A Bike and Boat Trip

August - September 2015


3 Train Ride to Hamburg
Kristiansand 4


Train Ride to Copenhagen and Embarkation, Friday September 11, 2015

[Monika] We got up at "O'dark hundred" and pulled our wheelies up to the Hauptbahnhof in plenty of time, so I even could buy us some coffee and egg sandwiches for breakfast. The alternate train route we chose because the Danes had closed the main line, was the familiar route back northwards to Flensburg across the high bridge over the Nord-Ostsee Kanal (English: Kiel Canal).

In Flensburg we changed into the train to Copenhagen. At the first station in Denmark, some immigration officers accompanied by Red Cross officials came on board and did escort some migrants off the train. For the record, the police were very polite about what they were doing and the Red Cross workers were clearly very solicitous of the welfare of the migrants. Plus, we saw TV cameras on the train station, videotaping every step that anyone made, so I am sure that the migrants were not abused in any way. After that the trip went smoothly. However, we did not have reserved seats and had to be satisfied with the pull down seats where bicycles could be stored.

In Copenhagen we saw a large area in the center of the station that had been cordoned off for use for the migrants taken off the trains. There were quite a few migrants in that area, but once again everyone seemed to be treated with respect and restraint.

I again hassled with a Danish ticket machine but found the correct train to the station closest to the cruise ship terminal that lies on the northern edge of Copenhagen, and had enough Danish coins to buy the tickets! We recalled that there was an Aldi at that train stop, and it was in fact still there, so we stocked up on wine and pretzels for the cruise back.

The dock for the rather large Regal Princess was way at the furthest end of the complex, about a mile or so. Luckily, we saw a local bus that was headed that way and they took us along. Finally we were once again in the friendly arms of Princess Cruise Lines and headed to our cabin way up on the 15th deck. We had a really good view from our balcony, and settled in to enjoy our trip back home.

Copyright 2015 by R. W. Holt and E. M. Holt


3 Train Ride to Hamburg
Kristiansand 4

Map of Spring Transatlantic Cruise Map of Spring Bike Trip
Map of Fall Bike Trip in Germany and Denmark Map of Fall Transatlantic Cruise

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