3 Hamburg: Stadtbummel |
Hamburg: getting ready 4 |
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Hamburg, Germany: Trying out our E-bikes - Tuesday May 12th, 2015:
After breakfast with Heinke and Gustl, we tried out the e-bikes. I rode Gustl's e-bike, which is identical to the one I have stored in the cellar of Detlef's rental condominium in Haffkrug. Bob of course rode his brand new e-bike. He just loved it.
(Bob) How do I love my new e-bike? Let me count the ways:
Ohlsdorf cemetery is really a very large park that includes even a beautiful little lake in the center.
For our test ride, we rode all around and up and down the roads in the cemetery for over two hours. A cemetery is the perfect place to practice the bagpipes or try out a new bike, because although people are dying to get in, they don't tend to drive around once they are here and the roads are correspondingly empty. Sections of gravesites are kind of scattered around Ohlsdorf cemetery, and we also enjoyed stopping to look at the flowers and sculptures placed lovingly amongst the graves. Some of the flower-bedecked graves were almost cheerful, but some were also quite sad and moving.
Surprisingly we also found an outdoor museum of gravestones that had been rescued from a different cemetery. A little farther on a beautiful gate led into a quiet meadow. This was a place where urns of unknown people were buried, which I have heard termed a "potter's field".
There were little chapels all through the cemetery for memorial services. Most of them were modern and obviously still in use, but there also was an old one with a very disturbing sculpture in front of it.
Finally we came upon the most moving place, a burial ground for people who died during the WWII bombings of Hamburg. It consisted of rows of simple stones, some had names and birthdates, some only last names, and some said "Unbekannt" ("Unkown") but all had an exact date of death, the date of the bombings. In between the graves were rose bushes, that should bloom beautifully in the summer.
The thought occurred to Monika, that one of those might have been her if the bomb that landed in front of the house had come a few feet closer. The thought occurred to Bob, that so much would have changed if Monika had been killed as a baby in those bombings. Bob was so moved that during the night he wrote a simple poem in German ("Unbekannt") to express his emotions at all these untimely deaths and wasted lives.
When we were tired, we returned to Heinke and Gustl's condo for lunch. Monika helped Heinke prepare the meal because Heinke is a very good cook and Monika hoped to learn from her. That evening, Detlef came by to drop off the battery charger for Bob's e-bike and the keys for his rental condominium in Haffkrug, which was to be the staging area for our bicycle tour of Denmark.
3 Hamburg: Stadtbummel |
Hamburg: getting ready 4 |
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Map of Transatlantic Cruise | Map of Bike Trip |