
Wanderung 11

A Tantalizing Taste of the Texas Tropical Trail

January-February 2006

Thursday, February 16th, 2006 - Quiet day at Tishmongo State Park.

I started off the day by hitting the showers again, a sybaritic but harmless indulgence. I had plenty of time as we had decided to stay one day in camp for a rest, although admittedly we were progressing so slowly up the parkway that the Gentle Reader might well ask, "Resting from what?" Still, we both felt the same way so instead of hitting the road after breakfast, we walked around the campground a bit and then returned to the trailer to listen to the "Front Porch Favorites" CD by Wayne Erbsen we had bought at the Visitor Center. Since that CD was purely instrumental and I had the corresponding book with the melodies and lyrics to all the same songs, I could sing along while I played the CD. It was essentially "Kampground Karaoke", but fortunately our neighbors in the campground had already pulled up stakes and left for the day, so I only could have offended the ducks and geese in the lake outside!

After the songfest I hit the bed for a nap and Monika played games on Daddy for a couple of hours. We had lunch while listening to Mississippi's version of National Public Radio, after which I worked on Baby a while to update the journal and Monika knitted a cape for our granddaughter Annalise. To get some exercise we walked a couple of miles over to the entrance station to renew our campsite for another night and decided to bushwhack our way back to camp using some ill-marked trails that held out the promise of a "shortcut". Predictably, we lost track of the trail midway through our tramp and wandered around a bit but finally found our way through the woods using our handheld GPS. That was enough excitement for the day! After dinner we returned to reading the next book in Anne Perry's Inspector Monk series, "The Twisted Root", as our evening's entertainment before turning in for the night.

Copyright 2006 by R. W. Holt and E. M. Holt
Prolog Map Epilog

January 06
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February 2006
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