April 25th; Flying Home.
We wanted to sleep in, but after a week of early wake up calls to catch the bus we were still in a habit of waking up early. As in all the previous hotels, we were sleeping on individual but adjacent single beds, which seemed to be the norm in Europe. In the Hotel Achat, as it turned out, the beds were placed on well-greased rollers. Monika tried to roll over to cuddle with me, but Newton's First Law of Motion ("Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.") came into play; the bed rolled out from underneath her and instead of coming over to me she slid into the newly formed gap between the beds! It's amazing that something as simple as a bed can still be made to confuse and confound the innocent tourist!
But the Hotel Achat still had an included breakfast, and it was nice to have a last meal where we could chat with some of the nice people we had met on the bus. We were tempted to rush back into Munich to see one more of its 35 museums (in particular we wanted to see the art museum Gustl had recommended), but were just too tired and opted instead to relax in our room for the morning. Monika walked to the nearby Mini Mall to buy some Milka chocolate that was on sale (dark semi-sweet chocolate that is our favorite), and I brought the journal up to date.
We checked out of the hotel in plenty of time to catch a local bus to the train station and then take the S1 S-Bahn out to the airport. Check in was painless and we were so early that there were no lines at security or passport control (where we got another stamp!), so we were able to relax at the gate until it was time to board the aircraft. The return flight was 8 hours long but completely uneventful and we even arrived home before dark.
Outside the house, our azaleas and tulips were blooming profusely but our lawn was completely overgrown even though we had mowed it just two weeks previously. All of our indoor plants had also survived nicely, so after watering them and turning on the utilities for the house, we turned in for a good (and long) night's sleep.
Copyright 2006 by R. W. Holt and E. M. Holt