Any Which Way But Loose:
Meandering Many Miles in Multitudinous Mechanisms
September 2006Wednesday, September 20th - A day of Rest in Long Beach, California.
We staggered out of bed around 9 o'clock and tried to get into the swing of things. To get the juices flowing again, we took a walk around Chris's neighborhood and he pointed to various houses that had been extended or modified. Much of this activity was due to California's Proposition 13 that limited property tax increases as long as the original owner stayed in the house. Since buying a different house would result in a huge hike in property taxes, remodeling ipso facto became much more economically desirable.
After lunch we visited the local Costco to collect some empty boxes to ship home our dirty clothes and some awkward souvenirs like our coffee mugs home. Including some of our bulky cold weather items like sweaters and long sleeved shirts in those boxes made repacking our luggage for the last phase of our trip much easier. I took a nap before dinner and I, finally, started to feel more human.
That evening after dinner Chris played on his grand piano a bit and also played some CDs of his dad playing the piano, which was both entertaining and relaxing. We were slowly making friends with the most outgoing of Chris's three cats, "Zelda". Zelda's nickname was "the Princess" due to her rather regal way of conducting herself, but she was basically a very friendly cat. She was also less shy than Chris's tomcat named "J.J." and a small black and white cat named "Taffy", who I only saw as a black and white blur leaving any room I entered. Although unsuccessful with the other two, I was finally able to pet Zelda and make friends. Fortunately I was not allergic to any of Chris's cats and had no problems sitting on the upholstered furniture, and I also didn't have any problems getting to sleep that night.
Copyright 2006 by R. W. Holt and E. M. Holt