Wanderung 14

The Plane to Spain replaced by the Bounding Main!

April-May 2007

Day 28: Sunday May 13 2007, IBIS hotel in Madrid, Spain

Noon position (approximate): 40 degrees 21.814' N latitude, 003 degrees 48.779' W longitude (Hotel Ibis on A-42)


The next morning I felt like overcooked spaghetti: hot, limp, and weak, so I had to cancel our plan to drive down and see Toledo in preference of just staying in the hotel and recuperating. I shambled down to try to eat breakfast, and I could move better than simply staggering around, which had characterized the previous night, but I just couldn't force anything down beyond a bowl of Special K and a glass of orange juice. I knew that wasn't enough to keep a body as big as mine going, and it was a nice buffet, so I was frustrated and shambled back to our room for a morning nap.

The fever finally broke and I started to feel better that afternoon, so we watched a Formula 1 race on TV, did crossword puzzles, read, and updated our journals. It was all endurable, of course, but a pretty poor substitute for visiting Toledo!


Bob had a very restless night and was feeling very weak in the morning. So the trip to Toledo was cancelled and we decided to spend the day in the hotel. Bob did come down to breakfast with me and had two bowls of cereal, but after that he just went back up to our room and slept for the rest of the morning.

Around 2 p.m., I went down to look for food. It was Sunday and Aldi was closed so I walked once around the block. The area consisted mainly of very nice looking apartment buildings but I could find nothing that looked like food. I came back to hotel where they had a small restaurant. I had pizza while watching Formula 1 auto racing. When I came back, Bob was writing in his journal, so I was hoping that he was improving. Toledo will have to wait for our next trip.

Copyright 2007 by R. W. Holt and E. M. Holt
Prolog Map of Cruise Map of Spain Epilog

April 2007
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May 2007
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