Wanderung 28

A Warm Winter Break

December 2013 - January 2014


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Friday January 10, 2014: At Sea on the Coral Princess

I was surprisingly tired today and really did not know why, but I lacked energy all day and ended up taking both a morning nap and an afternoon nap, which was just a pure waste of time on a nice cruise like this with all sorts of liesure activites! Frustrating!

We attended a lecture on coral reefs in the morning and learned a lot. Coral can live off the symbiotic algae that are in their little cup-shaped houses with them. The algae give coral the different colors, but if the water temp gets above 83 degrees the corals expel the algae and that causes the "bleaching" or loss of color as well as eventually killing the coral because of the lack of the symbiote.

We also took some time to walk around the ship taking pictures, as the Coral Princess was a pretty ship. The main atrium was about 6 stories high and yet appeared almost delicate, probably due to the extensive use of carved balconies and balustrades.

One of the nicest nooks on the ship was the Wheelhouse lounge. On either side of the entrance were two carved wooden figures such as are found on the bowsprit of old sailing ships. I wasn't sure if they were actually rescued from a couple of the old sailing ships, or just new figurehead carvings done in that stylized manner.


Unexpectedly, we found a nice museum of Princess Cruise Line memorabilia in one corner of the Wheelhouse lounge. Different bits and pieces from old Princess ships were mounted on the walls, making it a tiny but eclectic museum of Princess corporate history. Since I like ships, I enjoyed the mini-museum quite a bit.


We went to the dance class in the afternoon, which this time featured the Cha-Cha-Cha (sometimes also called the "Cha-Cha", but only by 2/3 correct people!). Again I went right back to our cabin after the class and sat down to use my new notational system to record all the moves we had been taught that day (not that I'm compulsive, or anything).

Now you know how to Cha-Cha-Cha, right?

Dinner was great. We found out both Eugene and Carmine gamble, but Carmine usually wins and can do card counting even in a 6-deck shuffle. Amazing. We also found out that one particular craps position on the craps table is actually a positive expected-value bet, which surprised me.

After dinner we listened to the string trio in the atrium again before retiring to our bed and book again.

Copyright 2014 by R. W. Holt and E. M. Holt


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Map of Homosassa, Florida Map of Western Caribbean Cruise Map of Panama Canal Cruise

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