Wanderung 30

A Bike and Boat Trip

August - September 2015


3 New York


The Good and the Bad of our Trip

[Monika] On a vacation you have to take the good with the bad.

Good: Our bikes were in excellent condition and we got to our start point easily by train.
Bad: At the end of our first day, I misjudged a corner, fell and gouged a deep bleeding gash on the bridge of my nose.
Good: I missed my eye and we went back to Flensburg while I was healing and saw the Gluecksburg Castle and the Maritime Museum.

Good: We had a wonderful time riding through Denmark, serene fields and interesting little towns.
Bad: Towards the end, Bob's rear tire blew and we had to walk the bikes 3 km to a town.
Good: The local bike shop had his tire size and put it on while we had lunch.

Good: Wandering through the Viking Museum.
Bad: Hassling with the Danish ticket machines.
Good: Outwitting the machines and getting easily back to Hamburg.

Good: Our days with my family in Hamburg.
Bad: The Danes closed the direct rail link from Hamburg to Copenhagen.
Good: Our train tickets were also good on a slightly longer route that was still open, and we still got to the ship in time.

Good: We had a wonderful cruise seeing some new ports and some new things in ports we had been to before.
Bad: I caught a really bad cold that progressively got worse.
Good: We saw whales and dolphins from our stateroom balcony...Magical!!

So in the end the good definitely outweighed the bad by a large margin.

[Bob: That is, she was injured, exhausted, sick, and frustrated, but she still enjoyed the journey!]

Copyright 2015 by R. W. Holt and E. M. Holt


3 New York

Map of Spring Transatlantic Cruise Map of Spring Bike Trip
Map of Fall Bike Trip in Germany and Denmark Map of Fall Transatlantic Cruise

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