Wanderung 19

Meandering the Mediterranean

Transatlantic Cruise

April - May 2009

Friday, April 18th, 2009, Monaco

Monika meanders through the lower part of Monaco.

While Bob hurried off to see the Maritime Museum, I meandered with Lois and Phyllis through the yacht harbor of Monaco. There was one luxury yacht next to another. The one closest to our ship must really have been worried when we came into the harbor. Phyllis, of course, enjoyed seeing all those expensive boats. We slowly walked around the harbor to the commercial side. Of course, this is Monaco, so don't imaging Ocean City, it was more boutique next to boutique.

The town itself was getting ready for the Grand Prix and we watched them erect the bleachers next to the waterfront. Next time I get to watch the Grand Prix from Monaco I will be able to remember the stretch by the harbor.

From the harbor area it was all uphill. After half a block, Phyllis found a convenient bench, while Lois and I forged on to the next road. Again the stores were mainly small and expensive, but we did find one tobacco store that also had souvenirs and postcards for Lois.

After that we went back to Phyllis. When we found an ATM, Phyllis wanted to try her brand new ATM card, but she could not find the paper where she had written down the PIN. She tried to remember, but after two unsuccessful tries, we decided that caution was the better part of valor. From there we slowly walked back to the ship.

After lunch, Phyllis decided that she had enough of this walking bit, but Lois and I were still quite fresh and wanted to explore the city a little more, maybe even find a grocery shop. I was also looking for a light sweater or long sleeved blouse, but did not have much hope since my price range is somewhat below Monaco standards.

So off we went at a decidedly brisker pace. First we explored some more of the city by going up, up, up. It was quite pretty with houses and apartments everywhere and nary a garden in sight but lots of flowers. The longer streets were parallel to the harbors with shorter ones going up. But between the long ones, they also had elevators to take you up or down.

In one store I saw a sweater I liked at a reasonable price (on sale, of course) but they did not have it in my size. I figure that the Beautiful People in Monaco are probably all Perfectly Petite. But we did find a grocery store, but the prices for beer or wine were more than I was willing to pay. So we finally went back to the ship without having purchased anything.

Click here for Bob's Tale:

Click here for the rest of the 18th:


Copyright 2009 by R. W. Holt and E. M. Holt
Prolog Map of Transatlantic Cruise Map of Northern Italian Bus Trip Map of Eastern Mediterranean Cruise Epilog

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