Saturday, September 25th, 2009, Amost landed at St. Johns, Newfoundland!
This was the day we were scheduled to stop at St. John's, Newfoundland. Monika and I were on deck with our cameras as the Jewel turned to get in line behind some other ships sailing for the very narrow entrance to the harbor. But suddenly we saw the two ships in front of us veer away from the harbor, and finally the Jewel came about to keep on going southwest. We watched in dismay as the harbor fell astern, and finally the Captain came on to the ship's intercom to tell us that the harbor was closed due to high winds and waves. So in the end we watched St. John's fall astern as we continued on our way southwestward toward New York.
Disappointed, we tried to focus on our next port of call, which was Halifax, Nova Scotia. We spent part of the morning listening to a lecture on Nova Scotia in general and Halifax in particular that gave us some ideas about what we wanted to see there.
In the afternoon Lois joined us for some line dancing. We had fun trying to learn the sequences of moves for each dance, and I of course also had fun trying to control my two left feet!
The evening show was the crew show with some very beautiful Hula and other native dancing and singing. Since we were allowed to take pictures of this show (unlike all the others), we brought our cameras to try to record the performances some of the very talented crew memmbers!
Index |
Map of Scotland | Map of England | Map of Rest of Lands | Epilog |