Wanderung 1
Key West or Bust
Holts Take Time in Toyota Truck to Tramp Together in Tepid Temperatures!
January-February 2003
Friday, January 10, 2003
After a good night’s sleep, we started the Skidaway Island walk straight from our campsite as the route led directly thru the campground at one point. It was a beautifully clear and sunny day. The walk traversed a nature trail with hand-painted signs for the northern Florida trees and shrubs, which were quite different from our area. Most of the trail was in a wetland area next to the Intracoastal Waterway, so we had swamp-like vegetation. Along the way we encountered an observation tower which gave us some nice views. We also passed old fortifications dating back to the Civil War and an old (defunct) moonshiner’s still. We felt that this walk was a nice natural walk, and it gave a nice contrast to the city walk the day before. When we circled back to sign in, we found that Charlene and Gary from our Volksmarch club had just walked the trail before us. Small world!

We packed our gear and continued south on Route 17 along the Georgia coastline. We passed many old, small coastal towns, which ranged from picturesque to ramshackle. The scenery was pretty but not outstanding. We took a small detour to drive over to St. Simon’s Island where we walked along the waterfront to the lighthouse and then drove to Ft. Frederica. The ruins of this very old, Colonial-era fort and adjacent town were quite interesting. The power struggle between the English expanding southward and the Spanish who were then in possession of Florida, was quite clear. One of the rangers was dressed up as Oglethorpe, and it was quite a striking costume! We wandered among the ruins of the fort and the town for a while, but then had to be on our way to make it to our reserved site at Little Talbot Island, Florida, before the ranger station closed at 6 p.m. We made it before 6 and got our site, and it was just early enough that it was dusk while we were setting up the tent, which was a lot better than doing it in the dark! Monika cooked a nice dinner which we ate by light of our florescent camping lanterns, and we turned in for the night.

Copyright 2002 by Robert W. Holt
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