Wanderung 1

Key West or Bust

Holts Take Time in Toyota Truck to Tramp Together in Tepid Temperatures!

January-February 2003

Wednesday, February 12, 2003
We decided to make this a rest day, so we had a very leisurely breakfast and campfire before exploring the nature trail in the park. The sun was shining and it was in the 60s, so it was like a pleasant summer day. The trail was wide and usually covered with pine needles, which gave us very soft footing, so we had a nice walk. We passed a small pond at one point where who do you think we saw across the water but our old friend the raccoon! I was surprised to see him ambling about in broad daylight, but he just quietly strolled away into the bushes.

We kept lunch simple by doing PBJs again and took showers when it was warmer in the afternoon. We kept ourselves occupied by sitting in the sun, sawing and splitting wood, or working at crocheting and writing. We even got in a short nap. This gave us a good restful day to prepare for the next day’s drive and several days of intensive walking at the Floribama Volksmarch event.

This is the quietest and most restful camp we have had in Florida. There are no noises from nearby roads, airports, or trains, so it is very quiet at night and we sleep well. During the day, the birds are really constantly singing from morning till night. I do mean constantly—I tried timing the intervals between bird songs and could get no more than 5 seconds. I wish I knew what all of them were! We did find out that the a red-headed woodpecker has a peculiar low-pitched squawk as his cry. He likes the dead tree that stands just behind our campsite.

The birds are also constantly fluttering around in the bushes, which we enjoy. The bushes are part of the screening that is between most of the campsites here, and that gives us a nice sense of privacy. In the evenings we play the dulcimer and sing along with it, which we felt inhibited from doing in the more crowded campgrounds.

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Copyright 2002 by Robert W. Holt
January 2003
February 2003

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