Wanderung 15

Volksmarching through Germany and a Cruise to get back.

September-November 2007

Sunday, September 30th - Visiting with relatives.


We walked around the Bramfelder See in the morning. Like many of the things I saw in Hamburg, it hadn't changed much and that was somehow reassuring and in contrast to our area where new buildings pop up like mushrooms seemingly overnight. On the far side of the lake we found a wonderful children's playground with a huge slide and a really big Zip line that I know my boys would have liked when they were young. I expect my granddaughters would like it too, but I didn't have them with, mores the pity, so I didn't have any excuse to try out the equipment myself which I was really longing to do.


We managed to sleep for 12 hours and were a little late for breakfast, but felt rather refreshed. After breakfast, we took our favorite walk around the Bramfelder Lake that is just northeast of Heinke and Gustls. It is a really pleasant one hour walk going first through a little garden colony, then around the lake and back again. We admired the big new playground and could imagine how our kids would have loved the large slides and the zip line.


Coming back from our walk Heinke fixed another fine meal for Mittagessen (lunch), after which we watched a Formula 1 race in Japan where Lee Hamilton won; what a rookie year he's having! Right after that we tuned in to watch the German women's soccer team defeat the Brazilians for the World Cup championship. Heinke and Gustl's son Detlef, and Monika's cousin Rolf, and his wife Gudrun stopped by for a visit and helped us cheer the German team on to a very hard-fought and well-played victory, and everybody was cheering madly at the end. After that excitement we had the German version of afternoon tea or coffee, "Kaffeetrinken" and that gave us a chance to exchange pictures of our respective families and chat about what was happening in each of our respective lives. That evening we both caught up on our email and I ordered the Magellan CD for detailed maps of Germany, which was available at a much lower price in Germany than in the United States.


For the afternoon, my cousin Rolf and his wife had been invited for Kaffeetrinken and my nephew Detlef also came to see us and try to fix his parents' computer, which had been fixed by a professional and now was missing some of the old programs they used to have on it. Before they all came we had a chance to watch Formula 1 car racing and the women's soccer world championship which Germany won to everybody's great delight. We kept chatting and exchanging pictures. Rolf has two grandchildren that are a year older than Annalise so we had a lot to chat about. But we were happy, when everyone left and we could get to bed.

Copyright 2008 by R. W. Holt and E. M. Holt
Prolog Germany Map Cruise Map Epilog

September 2007
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November 2007
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