Thursday, November 8th - At Sea.
Noon Position: At Sea, North 31 degrees 30', West 56 degrees, 22'
Bob: Mainly due to rain, wind, and moderately heavy seas, we changed our morning routine after the stretching class. We both went to the aquatic exercise session in the Solarium Pool because I had decided I really didn't want to do Walk-A-Mile on that slippery outside path in the wind and rain. The ship's motion had turned the Solarium pool into a miniature wave pool, and that made it so much fun that we stayed in the pool for another half hour after the exercise session. Although a lot of fun, that hour of being bobbed around and fending off the walls of the pool as we caromed off the sides really wore us our a lot more than I thought and we were low on energy for the rest of the day. After returning to our stateroom for a shower to wash off the salt water, we went to a towel folding demonstration in the atrium. Basically that was like origami only using towels instead of paper, and it was fun to watch. Monika then left for a session on making people and things out of yarn and I retired to the library with the laptop to catch up on my journal and read the newspapers a bit. Monika had a cha-cha-cha blister from her dance shoes, so we skipped dance classes but did do the afternoon Walk-A-Mile since she could wear her tennis shoes for that. The evening entertainment was a juggler, but that was something we both decided we could skip and so we turned in early for the night. |
Monika: During the last day, the sun had been shining and the see was smooth, but tonight I woke up around 4 when I heard waves banging against our window. We started moving a bit more. I went back to sleep, and finally woke up around 6:30. When we went to breakfast, we noticed that the sky was dark, cloudy, and windy. After the stretching I convinced Bob to come with me to Aquadynamics, since I thought he would enjoy the action in the solarium. They had not yet closed the pool but an official looking guy started talking on a cell phone. We went into the pool and enjoyed the really fun wave action. Bob not only could stand at the lower part (5'9") but he actually floated a bit since it was salt water. The water aerobics were this time in the pool, because you got washed away when trying to stand on the stairs. It was a lot of fun and we stayed on for another half hour just to play in the pool. Since it was windy and the deck was wet from all the rain, we decided to forego the morning Walk-A-Mile. Instead we watched a demonstration on how to make the towel animals that have been guarding our turned down beds. We even got a folder that explained how to make some of these animals and were shown how to accessorize them. So that evening our towel-rabbit started reading a book. Great fun. We both were tired from getting to bed so late last night and I also had managed to acquire a blister from dancing the cha-cha-cha, so we decided to skip dance class and instead rest in our stateroom. After all, I had to finally catch up on my writing. |
Prolog | Germany Map | Cruise Map | Epilog |